Orosz-magyar-finn / Russian-Hungarian-Finnish
Az előző posztban olvashattatok a szentpétervári napjaimról. Az a poszt inkább élménybeszámoló volt, ez pedig inkább az érzésekről, a benyomásokról szól majd.
Azt hiszem a magyarok többsége nincs oda Oroszországért, és soha nem is lesz. A történelmünk Oroszországgal megnehezíti az ország szeretetét, számomra legalábbis mindenképpen. Persze abban a pillanatban, hogy az ember erasmusra adja a fejét, hirtelen mindent látni akar és nem akar kihagyni semmilyen lehetőséget. Így én is adtam egy esélyt.
Izgatottan vártam az utat, bár az utazás azt jelentette, hogy már félúton tart az erasmusom. Ugyan csak 3 napot töltöttem Oroszországban, és ugyanennyit utaztam, hogy ott lehessek, számomra pont elég volt ez a 3 nap. Továbbra sem szerettem bele az országba, vagy inkább a városba, hiszen Szentpétervár egy nagyon kicsi szelete az országnak.
Már az útlevél ellenőrzésnél más volt a környezet. Az egy dolog, hogy sokáig tartott, de úgy néztek mindenkire, mintha körözött bűnöző lenne, egy hello-t sem bírtak kinyögni az ellenőrök.
Szerencsére az idegenvezetőnk nagyon kedves és lelkes volt a 3 nap alatt végig, mindenben segített. El tudom képzelni hányadszor mondta el ugyanazokat a történeteket, de ez egyáltalán nem látszott rajta, érezni lehetett, hogy bármilyen is a történelme a városnak, ő igazán szereti a várost és az országot is.
Hamar hozzászokik az ember, hogy mindenki tud angolul körülötte. így furcsa volt visszacsöppenni egy olyan világba, ahol ez nem így van. Nem volt új ez a világ, hiszen sajnos Magyarországon is egy elég szűk kör beszél angolul, habár szerencsére javul a helyzet. Azonban otthon a legtöbben legalább próbálkoznak, ha máshogy nem is, mutogatással. Ezzel ellentétben Oroszországban azt tapasztaltam, hogy amint rájönnek, hogy nem beszélsz oroszul, felhúzzák az orrukat, és olyan arcot vágnak, hogy akkor inkább menj haza. Szóval a benyomásom az orosz emberekről semmit nem változott, továbbra is úgy gondolom, hogy meglehetősen modortalanok. Természetesen tisztelet a kivételnek, ugyanis bementünk egy cukrászdába, ahol az eladó ugyan nem beszélt angolul, de nagyon kedves volt.
A 3 nap alatt többször is arra jutottam, hogy sajnos az orosz környezet sokkal jobban hasonlít Magyarországra, mint a finn. Akárhányszor megállapítottam ezt, nem Magyarországra vágytam haza, hanem Finnországba.
Minden utazásban benne van a honvágy kockázata. Attól a pillanattól kezdve, hogy az embernek már két otthona van, és két helyen van a szíve, ez a kockázat csak nő. Bár azzal nem számoltam, hogy igazán csak Finnország fog hiányozni. Szeretem Magyarországot, hiányoznak a szeretteim és a természet, de más nem igazán. Nem hiányzik, hogy mindenért aggódtam, hogy túlhajszoltam magam, hogy minden percem be volt osztva, hogy sokszor csak ezért álltam meg, mert a testem már jelezte, hogy nem bírja tovább. Nem hiányzik az emberek hozzáállása más emberekhez, közte az enyém sem. Mindig azt hittem, hogy hatalmas honvágyam lesz, és alig bírom majd ki a négy hónapot, de igazság szerint nem egy barátságomnak jót is tett, hogy nem vagyok otthon.
Továbbá azt sem gondoltam, hogy így megszeretem ezt az országot. Olyan mintha egy részem mindig idetartozott volna. Anya azt mondta, hogy nem tudja elképzelni, hogy itt éljek, annyira imádom a Napot, hogy nem tudja, hogy élném túl nélküle. Helyette van hó fél éven keresztül, és amíg van hó én boldog vagyok.
Na de kicsit elkanyarodtam az orosz élményektől. 😁 Szóval hiányzott Finnország. Az előző posztban már említett személyes tér, maga a finn nyelv, amit egyébként imádok, bár nem hiszem, hogy valaha meg tudom tanulni, hiányzott a szolgáltatásban dolgozók kedvessége, a természet, a friss levegő.
Összességében tehát jó volt, szép volt, de 3 nap pont elég volt számomra, és nem vágyom vissza. Szerintem ez így pont jó, annyi helyen jártam, amit imádtam, de nem szerethetek minden helyet. Azért örülök, hogy lehetőségem nyílt ezt is megtapasztalni, és eljutni az idei 5. országba is (és még 5 ország vár rám).
You could read about my days in Saint Petersburg in the previous post. This post was more about the objective side, this one is going to be about feelings and impressions.
I think most of Hungarian people are not that into Russia and never will be. Our history with Russia makes a little bit hard to love that country, at least for me. Although your life changed forever at the very first moment of your Erasmus, you want to experience everything and not miss anything. So I gave a chance to Russia.
I was exciting about the trip, even if it meant I was over half of my Erasmus. Although I spent only three days in Russia and traveled the same time to get there, it was quite enough for me. I am still not in love with the country, or let's say with the city, since Saint Petersburg is a really small part of Russia.
The environment was pretty different from the first moment, from the passport control. Okay, it took long, but they looked at us like we were criminals they did not even say hello.
Fortunately, our tour guide was really nice and enthusiastic during our whole stay, she helped with everything. I can imagine how many times she had already said the same stories and we could still feel that she really loved this city and country even despite of the pretty weird history of it.
You can easily get used to the fact everyone can speak in English around you. It was weird to going back to a world where it is not true. It was not new for me since most people cannot speak in English in Hungary either, but luckily more and more people can. People are trying to understand themselves even if they cannot speak in English in Hungary but not in Russia. When Russian people realize you cannot speak in Russian they just look at you like "what are you doing in Russia then, go home." My impression about Russian people did not change during the trip at all, I still think they are pretty rude. There are exceptions of course, we went to a confectionery where the cashier could not speak in English but she was really nice.
I realized more times during my stay that the Russian environment is much more like Hungary than the Finnish one, unfortunately. Every time I realized it I did not want to go home to Hungary but to Finland.
There is a risk during each trip you make that you will feel homesickness. When you have to homes and your heart is in two places that risk is getting even bigger. Although I did not expect that I will miss only Finland. I love Hungary, I miss my loved ones and the nature, but that is all. I do not miss that I was worried about everything, that I was overworked, that every minute of my life was scheduled, that I just stopped when my body signed I cannot do it anymore. I do not miss the attitude of people toward to other people, not even mine. I have always thought that I would have homesickness during my all Erasmus and I would barely survive the four months, but it is not the fact. Actually it helped to my most friendships that I am here.
I have never thought I could love this country so much. I feel a part of me always belonged to here. My mom said she could not imagine that I would live in Finland because I loved sunshine so much and she did not know how I could have lived without it. But there is snow for like 6 months in every year, and if there is snow I am happy.
But back to the Russian impressions. 😁 So I missed Finland. I missed the already mentioned personal space (in the previous post), the Finnish language that I really love even if I am pretty sure I could never learn it, I missed the kindness of people working in the service sector, the nature, the fresh air.
All in all, it was good, it was nice but 3 days was enough for me, I do not want to go back. I think there is no problem with this, I have been at so many places I felt in love with it is okay if it does not happen sometimes. I am glad and grateful that I had the opportunity to visit the fifth country in this year (and five is still ahead of me).
You could read about my days in Saint Petersburg in the previous post. This post was more about the objective side, this one is going to be about feelings and impressions.
I think most of Hungarian people are not that into Russia and never will be. Our history with Russia makes a little bit hard to love that country, at least for me. Although your life changed forever at the very first moment of your Erasmus, you want to experience everything and not miss anything. So I gave a chance to Russia.
I was exciting about the trip, even if it meant I was over half of my Erasmus. Although I spent only three days in Russia and traveled the same time to get there, it was quite enough for me. I am still not in love with the country, or let's say with the city, since Saint Petersburg is a really small part of Russia.
The environment was pretty different from the first moment, from the passport control. Okay, it took long, but they looked at us like we were criminals they did not even say hello.
Fortunately, our tour guide was really nice and enthusiastic during our whole stay, she helped with everything. I can imagine how many times she had already said the same stories and we could still feel that she really loved this city and country even despite of the pretty weird history of it.
You can easily get used to the fact everyone can speak in English around you. It was weird to going back to a world where it is not true. It was not new for me since most people cannot speak in English in Hungary either, but luckily more and more people can. People are trying to understand themselves even if they cannot speak in English in Hungary but not in Russia. When Russian people realize you cannot speak in Russian they just look at you like "what are you doing in Russia then, go home." My impression about Russian people did not change during the trip at all, I still think they are pretty rude. There are exceptions of course, we went to a confectionery where the cashier could not speak in English but she was really nice.
I realized more times during my stay that the Russian environment is much more like Hungary than the Finnish one, unfortunately. Every time I realized it I did not want to go home to Hungary but to Finland.
There is a risk during each trip you make that you will feel homesickness. When you have to homes and your heart is in two places that risk is getting even bigger. Although I did not expect that I will miss only Finland. I love Hungary, I miss my loved ones and the nature, but that is all. I do not miss that I was worried about everything, that I was overworked, that every minute of my life was scheduled, that I just stopped when my body signed I cannot do it anymore. I do not miss the attitude of people toward to other people, not even mine. I have always thought that I would have homesickness during my all Erasmus and I would barely survive the four months, but it is not the fact. Actually it helped to my most friendships that I am here.
I have never thought I could love this country so much. I feel a part of me always belonged to here. My mom said she could not imagine that I would live in Finland because I loved sunshine so much and she did not know how I could have lived without it. But there is snow for like 6 months in every year, and if there is snow I am happy.
But back to the Russian impressions. 😁 So I missed Finland. I missed the already mentioned personal space (in the previous post), the Finnish language that I really love even if I am pretty sure I could never learn it, I missed the kindness of people working in the service sector, the nature, the fresh air.
All in all, it was good, it was nice but 3 days was enough for me, I do not want to go back. I think there is no problem with this, I have been at so many places I felt in love with it is okay if it does not happen sometimes. I am glad and grateful that I had the opportunity to visit the fifth country in this year (and five is still ahead of me).
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